Designers on Demand new layout and grid

This is the new, more slick looking flash site I have created for Designers on Demand. I have used pink and purple as I have found from researching lots of different designers portfolios that it isn't a colour used much. I feel the colours I have chosen have just enough impact and lots of professionalism of which I have been looking for since starting my visual designs.

I intend on making my home page animate and the image you can see in the main content area of the logo with the lines to fade in and out and animate the lines to move in and out, hopefully creating a nice feel to the site leaving viewers wanting to see the rest of the website.

This to the left is my services page. I want to make the text fade in using a button with a brief explaination of what services we offer on the left hand side of the page. I want the links to all roll over to purple from white when they are clicked on every page.

I want to keep this final layout really clean and minimal and I think it works the best against all the others I have designed and uploaded to this blog so far. Its the most user friendly of all of my designs and I now intend on designing the rest of my pages which will be portfolio and contact us.

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