Making my site more personal

After sitting down and looking through lots of different idea's and designs I think that I have found a layout that I like and like I said in my last post I think that I don't have enough information to have such a big looking site (looks like an agency site) So to break my site down about I have designed images to use on each page of my site that act as an enterence instead of a blank screen with useless text. 

The main content area is that big because I intend on my portfolio being the strongest part of my site which is quite obvious being a designers website but I wanted my main content area to stay there throughout my site.  

From previous posts I wrote about having a tool box to show what programs I can use to a professional level. Instead of taking up unessessary space on my site I have put the tools at the bottom right of my screen.

This here is my portfolio page and I feel it is my strongest page on my site, which I intended from the start. I want the design which you can see from the screen shot to fade out into my first piece of work to fade in and in the box which says portfolio I would have text explaining each project in abit of detail.

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